Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Iota Xi Chapter
Newsletter Issue Fall 2018
Dear Brothers,
When society is failing young men, Delta Tau Delta offers a solution. As an organization founded on principles of truth, courage, faith, and power, we can help men see the journey beyond themselves, by teaching them, mentoring them and guiding them as they become positive advocates for their community and the world. Delta Tau Delta is the cornerstone of a young man’s journey to excellence. Through its ideals, it guides men on the journey to creating the most extraordinary versions of themselves. For generations, men have needed Delta Tau Delta. As the pillars on which the organization stands, alumni define the meaning of brotherhood. Alumni show where the journey can lead and how to be the man our society needs. The journey is a lifetime of committing to excellence. Through brotherhood, understanding the destination is defined by the path chosen with every step allowing a brother to become the man society needs. We expect to see many more GREAT things coming in the future, and we do not doubt that the values of the fraternity and quality of membership at Iota Xi will only improve. RAH RAH DELTS!
Message from the President
As we near the end of the year, and the terms of the current officers draw close, a time for reflection begins. We have accomplished many GREAT things over the course of this year, and I hope you can appreciate the efforts of the undergraduate members in continuing and improving the chapter that we all hold so dear. We hope that you alumni know you are always welcome and that your presence is appreciated. As you read this newsletter, I ask you to reflect on your times at Iota Xi and consider getting together with the brothers you were close to during your time as an undergraduate. It has been a pleasure to help lead the fine men of the Iota Xi chapter, hopefully to lives that genuinely exemplify the values of Delta Tau Delta. RAH RAH!
The Fraternity hosted the greatest of all Delt events, the Karnea. More than 600 members and guests assembled to make the 2018 Karnea in St. Louis among the very best. The Fraternity raised $10,000 to support JDRF during its fourth biennial JDRF walk. Delts took over Busch Stadium to watch the home-team Cardinals beat the visiting Colorado Rockies in walk-off fashion. A near flawless Ritual and Rite of Iris ceremony were performed by the men of Missouri University of Science and Technology and the University of Missouri, respectively. Unveiled a new strategic plan under the tagline, “True to the Journey.”
Alumni Spotlight - Matthew Kyle
The Charge
The most fitting thing you’ll hear about the Charge is that it is the pinnacle of the undergraduate Delt experience. As a senior who was coming to terms with moving on from being active in the chapter for eight semesters, this leadership experience was precisely what I needed to grow comfortable with the idea of existing in the future and to start myself along with a path toward where I wanted to be eventually. Alongside about thirty upper-class brothers from around the nation, I had perhaps the most impactful week of my life to date.
The Charge takes place in the heart of Chicago, Illinois and challenges brothers who are on their way out of college to prepare for a future of interacting with others, accomplishing tasks with limited resources, and pushing to be the best versions of themselves that they can be. Activities around the city of Chicago taught firsthand the power of teamwork, the benefits of playing to one’s strengths, and the level of the impact one can have when striving to support their values.
While much of the Charge was professional and personal, my greatest takeaway was the bonds formed between those of us who attended. We shared our greatest dreams and most imposing fears in an understanding and supportive circle, which is something I was decidedly in need of at that point in my life. To this day, we still communicate and share in each others’ efforts and successes, and for that reason, I’ve grown a bit more comfortable with my strengths. I’m empathic, a sponge for information, an idea person. What strengths can you harness to reach your highest potential?
2018 Fall New Member Class
Not pictured Vincent Mastria, and Tyler Rice
On October 26th the Iota Xi Chapter initiated one of its largest pledge classes in local history. The sixteen person class, with an incredible 94% retention rate, is precisely the revival the chapter was looking for. The new member class is eager to make their mark in the chapter with many of them running for elected positions. The class has also shown a surprisingly strong brotherhood. Despite the large class size, older brothers have never had to step in and help solves arguments between them. With this new class, the future of the Iota Xi Chapter looks bright.
JDRF Soap Hockey Philanthropy Event
The Iota Xi Chapter held its annual Soap Hockey Tournament for JDRF this semester. As usual, it was a GREAT time, with most of our chapter attending and working throughout the day. We raised $177 for our efforts. In addition to the money, we spread education throughout campus during our tabling, as well as during the event. This education was in the form of info cards provided by nationals, as well as a speech given by Brother Joseph Uva. Over the past two years, we have cemented this event as our main philanthropy fundraiser and for a good reason. Next semester we hope to see more alumni to support our philanthropy.
Chapter Phone Number
Now our chapter has an official phone number.
(321) 405-2156
Please feel free to call or text us, if you require any further information about the chapter.
Delta alumni may have already received the first round of postcards pictured below or a related email. During the next few months, you will receive a combination of emails and phone calls from Publishing Concepts (PCI). The Fraternity has a contract with PCI to help verify alumni data and publish an alumni directory that is as up to date as possible. We understand alumni might not want to provide information to just anyone, so please know their request is legitimate and sanctioned by Delta Tau Delta. We are not asking for vital private information or protected financial information. This project is important because it allows the Fraternity to update its membership database and ensures alumni have the ability to stay connected with chapter brothers. Alumni will have the opportunity to purchase an alumni directory and merchandise that proudly displays our logo. With the assistance of alumni, the Fraternity can better help Delts:
• Reconnect with chapter brothers and make valuable social and professional connections. • Have access to Fraternity alumni services. • Engage with the Fraternity through our products and services.
Questions? Read the FAQ page: PCI's
customer service center: 1- 800-982-1590
Florida Tech Founders Day
Florida Tech's 60th Anniversary Founders Day was held on Sept. 22, 2018, in the Olin Quad. Recognizing Florida Tech's rich history and celebrating the great strides the university has made since its founding in 1958, the event attracted approximately 2,000 students, faculty, alumni, staff, and friends of Florida Tech. Together, we donned novelty "60th" spectacles and tossed red "Florida Tech" flying discs back-and-forth. We enjoyed ice cream bars and each other's company. We admired the beauty of our dramatically lit campus until it was dark. Then, promptly at 8 p.m., the fireworks began, filling the sky with color and our hearts with Panther Pride.
Dear Brothers,
We are pleased to invite you to the 2018 Annual Alumni Event on November 16th-18th, hosted by the Iota Xi Chapter of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity.
Tentative Schedule:
- Friday, November 16th
- Arrive in town and get together for drinks and catch up at some place local.
- Meet the active chapter brothers for dinner after their chapter meeting.
- Possible bowling either this night or Saturday night
- Saturday, November 17th
- Alumni Relations Annual meeting
- BBQ with active brothers at Beach or Greek Village in the afternoon. Volleyball/Soccer/Frisbee game
- Free time and hang out in Downtown Melbourne in the evening.
- Sunday, November 18th
- Possible golf outing and lunch before departure.
Upcoming Events
- 11/10/2018 - Iota Xi Chapter Election
- 11/16/2018~11/18/2018 - Annual Alumni Event
- 11/20/2018 - Founders Day
- 11/21/2018~11/25/2018 - Holiday (Thanksgiving)
- 12/15/2018 - Fall Commencement
- 1/31/2019~2/3/2019 - 2019 Division Conferences - Southern - Baton Rouge Marriott. Baton Rouge, LA
More details, please visit
© 2018 Delta Tau Delta Iota Xi