Ignite is for Delts in the first year of membership who are looking to take an active role in the Fraternity. A Delt who participates in Ignite will connect with brothers from across the country and begin to define what his legacy will be as an undergraduate member. At Ignite, he will also look at how the values of the Fraternity can guide him to become a more well-rounded leader.
Top Statistics About Ignite
- 14% of Ignite participants went on the next semester to be elected chapter president.
- 50% have been elected to a formal leadership position.
- 93% of participants agreed or strongly agreed they played a role in the success of the chapter, regardless of having a position.
- 100% of participants were able to connect with a member of the Arch Chapter or Central Office staff.
- 83% of participants were able to identify a specific leadership style they will utilize back in their chapter.
- 100% of participants who were neutral or disagreed Ritual was relevant to their daily lives prior to attending, were able to name the six points of the Rite of Iris and apply them to a concept outside of Delta Tau Delta.
- 76% of participants were able to name all components of the Rite of Iris, and were then able to apply this knowledge to a basic leadership development concept.