Karnea is Delta Tau Delta Fraternity’s biennial convention, hosted in cities across North America. Delts from across the globe gather together to celebrate Fraternity in the glow of brotherhood. Karnea is meant as both a learning opportunity and a chance to conduct the business of the Fraternity. There are educational programs throughout Karnea to benefit both undergraduates and alumni. Social events during Karnea highlight the host city’s specific entertainment, as well as networking opportunities to build brotherhood between undergraduates and alumni. Karnea is concluded with a celebratory banquet and the election of the new Arch Chapter.
Karnea is Delta Tau Delta Fraternity’s biennial convention, hosted in cities across North America. Delts from across the globe gather together to celebrate Fraternity in the glow of brotherhood. Karnea is meant as both a learning opportunity and a chance to conduct the business of the Fraternity. There are educational programs throughout Karnea to benefit both undergraduates and alumni. Social events during Karnea highlight the host city’s specific entertainment, as well as networking opportunities to build brotherhood between undergraduates and alumni. Karnea is concluded with a celebratory banquet and the election of the new Arch Chapter.
Is it because Karnea is the largest gathering of undergraduate and alumni Delts at any Fraternity event? Every two years, the Karnea deliberates changes to the Fraternity Constitution and Bylaws and elects the new Arch Chapter. Karnea is a celebration of the Delta Tau Delta; a time when brothers, families and guests come together to share memories, learn new ideas and plans for the future. Karnea is the greatest of all Delt events for all the reasons noted. Karnea is a grand event, the Fraternity’s biennial convention. Karnea, which means “festival of Apollo,” is an event each member of the Fraternity should attend at least once in his life for in no other place does the Fraternity come to life in so many ways.
Undergraduates and alumni of Delta Tau Delta. Any Delt who wants to experience Fraternity on a grander scale and who truly wants to connect with an international organization.