
The Crescent Newsletter - Spring 2018 Issue

The Crescent Newsletter - Spring 2018 Issue

Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Iota Xi Chapter
Newsletter Issue Spring 2018
Dear Brothers,

Over the past semester, the men of Iota Xi have accomplished many GREAT things. Reclaiming the number one spot academically among fraternities on campus, beginning our new signature event which raised a substantial amount of money for the Girls Volleyball Team, and having a steamboat formal are just a few of the impactful things that have occurred. However, the most exciting things to look forward to in the coming semester is the development of our newly initiated members into future leaders of the chapter. The vitality that these new members bring to the chapter has brought new life and excitement to the older members who are ready and willing to share their knowledge. We expect to see many more GREAT things coming in the future, and we do not doubt that the values of the fraternity and quality of membership at Iota Xi will only improve. RAH RAH DELTS!
Message from the President
David Cisek
I have seen the many improvements made to the chapter by its caring and motivated members. The spring semester started off with the recruitment and eventual initiation of the largest spring class we have ever seen. These four men grew close to each other and the chapter and demonstrated a passion for carrying on the chapter in the years to come. Additionally, we held one of our most successful philanthropy events and set a precedent for the event being something the entire community will look forward to in the future. The part of being president that was most enjoyable was being the person that anyone could come to with their problems and be offering guidance and insight. Anyone can go through problematic circumstances and whether it is trying to hash out their plans or just being someone they can vent with is the most rewarding part of the job. 
2018 Great Southern Division Conference
In mid-February, six active members of the Iota Xi chapter and two alumni traveled to Charlotte to attend one of the fundamental Delt experiences, Division. While there, the members learned from some of the most knowledgeable advisors, DVP’s, and past international presidents.  The most invaluable part of Division is the motivation and inspiration it gives the members that attend, and, in our case, with three of our attendees being newly initiated freshman, it will inspire the chapter members for times to come.
Alumni Spotlight - Tyler Johnson
For me, joining a fraternity was a bit like buying a walrus: my high school friends couldn’t figure out why I did it. At first I would explain that I liked the people, the community service, helping JDRF, etc, but then my answer just became “because for some reason these idiots are fun to hang out with.” That feeling has continued through my graduate studies, as I continue to attend events with the chapter and give advice where I can. At formal this past year I found out that my advice (and puns) had been heard when the chapter named me the alumni of the year. It’s hard to explain the feeling of knowing that your experience has been appreciated and put to good use, and I’m proud I was able to help the organization after graduation. Elation and turbulence, setback and leap forward, through it all the people, the brothers, are what defined and continue to define my fraternal experience. Delts helped make FIT a home away from home that I don’t think it could have ever been otherwise. Since I joined the alumni ranks I’ve been working on my master’s degree in mechanical engineering at FIT. Once I finish that degree I’m hoping to use my human factors and robotics experience to start my career. I don’t know where my job will take me, but wherever I end up I plan to continue supporting the chapter however I can. 
2018 Spring New Member Class
This spring we had one of the largest spring recruitment classes of all time. We successfully recruited and initiated four new members, Nick Matese, Nigel Moraes, Robin Aubry, and Ryan Lucas. These four newly initiated members have all expressed their goals to become leaders in the chapter and their commitments to the chapter and fraternity as a whole.
Greek Life Awards
Last year,  we won several awards from Greek Lift Community.
Community Service Award 2017
Campus Service Award 2017
Philanthropy Award 2017
Chapter Phone Number
Now our chapter has an official phone number.
(321) 405-2156
Please feel free to call or text us, if you require any further information about the chapter.

Election Results 

President: David Cisek

Vice President of Member Development: John Kleess

  • Recruitment Chairman: Michael Palmisano

  • New Member Educator: Zach St. Amand

  • Director of Academic Affairs: Ryan Piersa

  • Guide: Matt Kyle

Vice President of Programming: Nicholas Pallone

Treasurer:  Andrew Nakushian

Director of Risk Management: Seth Goldman

Sergeant at Arms: Joe Uva

Director of Communications: Brian Iannuccillo


Upcoming Events 

  • ​Pledging Ceremony - 8/31
  • Big Brother Ceremony - 9/28
  • Homecoming Week - 10/10~10/13
  • I Week - 10/22~10/26
  • Initiation & Nomination - 10/26
  • Annual Alumni Event - 11/17
  • Founders Day - 11/20
View Alumni Calendar
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© 2018 Delta Tau Delta Iota Xi