
The Crescent Newsletter - Spring 2017 Issue

The Crescent Newsletter - Spring 2017 Issue


Hello Brothers,

This past year has been a pivotal moment in the history of our chapter.  We have come a long way in terms of our achievements both in and out of the classroom. We have also begun a campaign that will better strengthen our relationships with our alumni.  We cannot wait to share it all with you.

Message from the President
Ryan Piersa



For those that I have not had the pleasure of meeting, my name is Ryan Piersa, and I am in my second year of studying aerospace engineering. Iota Xi has repeatedly answered the call to excellence over the past year. Our chapter has installed a new colony at the College of Charleston, performed Ritual for the Karnea, and has received its second Court of Honor. The near future provides, even more, opportunities for our chapter to continue to grow. An especially exciting opportunity is initiating the men of Epsilon Pi at the University of South Florida; moreover, we had previously performed the colonization ceremony for the chapter, and the opportunity to see the chapter receive its charter is fantastic. Last fall our chapter raised the most money in a single philanthropy event than we ever had raised before for JDRF. These are but a subset of the achievements of our chapter, and we all look forward to a year of growth, prosperity, and brotherly love. I challenge you all to remember what is taught in the Ritual and to apply those lessons to both championing our fraternity and building a life for yourself that is noble, clean, and brings you happiness. Thank you all for your continued involvement in the chapter, and I hope to see you all at our chapter’s future events. 


Have a Great Day,

Ryan Piersa

2017 Great Southern Division Conference

At the 2017 Great Southern Division conference, Delta Tau Delta Iota Xi chapter had a Division Rank of 7 out of 30, an Overall Rank of 15 out of 136 and an Overall Score of 864.40.  We were also awarded 

2016 Court of Honor

Award of Distinction for exceeding AMA/AFA

Award of Distinction for special recognition as being First on Campus Academically

Award of Distinction for special recognition for excellence in Ritual Performance/Education

Alumni Association

Last semester was the first in which our Delta Tau Delta Alumni Association was established.  The Alumni Association is a method in which our new and recent alumni brothers will be able to communicate with active brothers within the chapter.  This will create stronger bonds among the brothers and alumni. 

Contect our Alumni Association 

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2017 Delta Tau Delta Iota Xi Formal

Purchase tickets

Please check your 2017 Formal Invitation Email, Teambition or our chapter's actives/alumni Facebook group for the password. 

Alumni Programming

Start this year. We create alumni programming and Alumni Relations Committee for better alumni service. The purpose of the Alumni Relations Committee is to develop a program designed to strengthen interpersonal and written communication with the chapter’s alumni and other alumni in the area. The Alumni Relations Committee for Iota Xi chapter is a part of Communication Committee. For more details, please download the Alumni Programming file using the link below.

View Alumni Programming

2017 Spring New Pledged Member



Jahleel Gomez-Womack

The story on why I decided to join the GREAT Delta Tau Delta began back in freshman year, however, due to financial reasons, I couldn’t do it at that point in time. When I looked at the other fraternities, I fell in love for what the Delts stood for in terms of their values and the way they carried about themselves on campus and that it wasn’t all about partying. I looked at their academic record and I specifically recall my current big brother Izzy wearing proudly his Delts football jersey every Friday. They showed me that they cared and told me about their values and it matched what I was looking for. I fit in the most with this group of guys and I feel like I’m a part of something that way bigger than me and I’m happy that I took that firs tstep in becoming a Delt. I wanted to be a part of a brotherhood that I could be proud to showcase, proud to say that I will forever belong to them and I will do everything in my power to ensure it lives on.


Joining Delta Tau Delta was one of the highlights of this year and something I don’t regret doing at all. I have a family I could count on through thick and thin, regardless of what it is, there’s people I can talk to who I know will be there for me. I’m proud to say I’m a Delt and will forever live the Delta Tau Delta life!


Alumni Spotlight
Harrison Shcott

Little surprised I was asked to do this this month since there are plenty of rocket scientists and other successful Alum out there.  Anyways, for those who may not know me, I am Harrison Schott.  A short list of my involvement in DTD: I am one of the Founding Fathers, worked on the Chartering Committee and spent many a late night in Sophomore year making sure we could get our Charter, traveled to many leadership conferences, and tried my best to stay involved.  After graduation, I've moved home, like many of our generation, and worked in a Maker-space/Fab Lab for about a year.  I currently freelance, tutor, and am working on being a Lindy Hop DJ among other things.  I try to stay involved as best as I can, though a 6 hour round trip drive is tough to do for everything.  Why do I stay involved?  I see value in the fraternity, and want to give back to it, in forms of volunteering time, donating money, preserving a sweetheart song, or other things, for some of my favorite memories from college. (Although the discussion about the chapter room floor was a huge waste of time, it is a good story I tell my friends to explain what fraternity is.)   

Greek Life Awards

5 Star Chapter

We achieved the rank of 5 Star chapter being the best chapter on campus. Here is a list for awards we won in Greek Life Community. 

2016 Chapter Of The Year 

2016 Spirit Award

Election Results 

President: Ryan Piersa

Vice President of Member Development: Matt Kyle

  • Recruitment Chairman: Ricardo Rivera

  • New Member Educator: Ismaldo Matias 

  • Director of Academic Affairs: Michael Veloz

  • Guide: John Kleess

Vice President of Programming: Zach St. Amand

Treasurer: Michael Arenella 

Director of Risk Management: Nicholas Pallone

Sergeant at Arms: Ryan Newstead

Director of Communications: Ce Su (Samuel)

Upcoming Events 

  • April 22, JDRF One Walk

  • April 22, USF Initiation Ceremony 

  • April 22, Formal 2017

  • April 26, Last day of classes

  • October 9 – 10, Fall Break

  • November 20, Founders Day

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